The Development Committee meets on Thursday to decide 3 applications:
- In Stambridge : 3 flats between 7 and 13 Cagefield Road (not green belt)
- In Rayleigh : 2 cycle shelters at the Approach Car Park. Only coming to the committee because it is council land.
- In Hawkwell: A yard in Ironwell Lane, for change of use from agricultural to part storage , part business and light industrial,. The area involved exceeds 1100 square metres and is in the green belt. The application has been called in by Cllr John Mason
Drove past the development in the grounds of the old “lakehouse” in Downhall Raod yesterday. What ever is being built, 3 story flats ? they look enormous and totally out of keeping with the area. It does not affect me but I feel sorry for the folks in that close, how can such a large building be passed by the planners ?
That monster building was given the go ahead on appeal by a planning inspector after we’d voted against it.
Sometimes you just can’t win can you?
Traffic monitoring cables across the road in Rawreth Lane ( just West of the
Ind Estate / Macro turning – bit late to be assessing the volume of traffic , after they have approved 500 at Rawreth Lane and 500 at Hullbridge, not to mention the temporary ( 10 years !! ) of Construction traffic to and fro…..
At a recent ECC briefing they admitted that traffic monitoring had been carried out by developers (or persons unknown) without a paid permit… I wonder if this is authorised monitoring?
Just received our voting card for the May ” Essex County Councillor ” elections ,
I would suggest this is a good opportunity for a protest vote ( if only relating to potholes ) against the present incumbents who represent us , WHY………
ECC are effectively ( Primary Consultee ) the body that looks the other way and approves countless development plans ( from District Councils ) without regard for the nett impact on the Infrastructure ( highways / hospitals /school etc; ). These people are supposed to be representing the interest of the Towns
that elect them but are effectively anonymous and oil the wheels for the ruling District Councils.
Admin – can you provide a list of runners & riders in this event – I would encourage everyone to vote for any but those currently sitting too comfortably in office, thanks – Jim.
Jim, we will certainly do that once all the nominations are in!
Jim, good idea and if we don’t like the result we can demand another election just like Claggy and the rest of the Lib Dems.
Don’t forget Nicola , N Ireland and Wales too , oh and the USA in general….and
so why can’t Rayleigh break away then…..?
Jim, always love your posts but this one ! Have you been at the Egg Nog…lol