Developers Win at 36 Hockley Road

The developers have won their appeal for 20 apartments at 36 Hockley Road Rayleigh.

You can download the full text of the inspectors decision here.

Crucial sentences from the inspector’s report:

I consider that the block would not be unduly massive in the context of other nearby buildings such as Stratford House. In terms of its relationship with the modest cottages at 46-48 Hockley
Road the separation between the buildings and height and mass of the frontage block would
be such that in my view it would not appear dominant or overbearing.


I consider that, given the existing low levels of vehicle movements, although the percentage
increase would be high, the likely numbers and frequency would not be so great that the
comings and goings of vehicles would give rise to significant noise and disturbance for
existing residents. Furthermore, I do not envisage that they would give rise to any material
highway safety problems on local roads.

For the reasons given above and having regard to all other matters raised, I conclude that
the appeal should be allowed, subject to conditions and the appellants? unilateral

About the author, admin

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