If you are following the national headlines about Cameron and Clegg, you might hear something about the “Triple Lock”. Before entering a coalition Nick Clegg is bound to secure the agreement of his MPs, other national representatives and the Lib Dem membership.
This is how it works:
(i) in the event of any substantial proposal which could affect the Party?s independence of political action, the consent will be required of a majority of members of the Parliamentary Party in the House of Commons and the Federal Executive; and,
(ii) unless there is a three-quarters majority of each group in favour of the proposals, the consent of the majority of those present and voting at a Special Conference convened under clause 6.6 of the Constitution; and,
(iii) unless there is a two-thirds majority of those present and voting at that Conference in favour of the proposals, the consent of a majority of all members of the Party voting in the ballot called pursuant to clause 6.11 or 8.6 of the Constitution.
We don’t know if the Conservatives or Labour have any similar rules.