Could You Feed Yourself On ?1 A Day For Five Days?

We’ve recently added links to three Southend blogs in our right sidebar. Rather neatly , there’s one Lib Dem, one Conservative and one Labour. Though we haven’t done this out of any deliberate political balance – they are all worth a look in their own right.

Neil Monnery is a Liberal Democrat in Southend who writes in a thoughtful but frank manner.

Anna Waite is a well-known Conservative and former Borough Councillor who actually lives in Barling.

Ms Jack Monroe is a Labour blogger in Southend who writes in a pretty lively manner. Some of her recent posts are particularly interesting; she is attempting this years Living Below The Line Challenge. As she explains:

I?m a day late with this one, but I thought I?d join in with this years Live Below The Line challenge, whereby participants are challenged to live on ?1 a day for food.

Having done this already when I left the Fire Service, I figure that I?m a bit more prepared than most people for how to actually prepare 3 meals a day for less than a pound. So I?ve got 4 days left, ?4 to spend, and 12 meals to keep myself going on. I?ll blog my progress here…

One of her meals was carrot, cumin and kidney bean soup for 14p…

About the author, admin

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