Coral have lost their planning appeal for their ‘modern’ style scheme in front of Asda, in Priory Chase.
The District Council refused their application on two grounds. Firstly on its appearance and bulk, and secondly on the lack of amenity / garden space.
The planning inspector agreed with Coral about the appearance, but still refused permission because of the amenity space issue. She felt that the coucnil had been unreasonable in refusing it on the appearance issue, so instructed the council to pay part of Coral’s costs.
So what happens next? Well, the council have already given Coral approval for a mode traditional design with roof gardens , so we expect they will build that – it will have three small commercial units and 23 flats.
What really gets on my nerves is the power that these Planning Inspectors have in deciding what can and cannot be built. These people have no connection with the the localities that they make decisions on. All they really have to consider is if the proposed dwellings are reasonably sized. I have no respect for these people, who, to me are friends of the developers. It is about time their remit included what the residents want and need, not what the developers want. Coral will keep going until they get what they want, just as the big, building companies will get what they want when huge parcels of land will be given over to hundreds or thousands of new homes. Let us keep our greenbelt land and our bounderies. We are in danger of losing our identity in Rayleigh, Just as Hockley, Hawkwell etc. are. We do need to look at other alternatives, we just need to convince RDC, ECC and the government. Please wake up RDC.
What a disgusting waste of tax payers money.
Surely our District Council should have the over-riding decision on things that have a fundamental affect on our way of life. If these developers knew there were no ‘friends’ to appeal to when there plans were turned down, they may be sensible in the first place. I cannot believe that we have to ‘pay Coral’ for having their plans turned down. “In my own belief, this inspector should be ashamed of herself” What is this world coming to?
We will soon be entering into a scenario where we are at odds with the government inspectors and probably with our own District Council. We will have to understand where our council is coming from, in defending their ‘own corner’ but more, where the government inspectors are coming from. I assume the government inspectors are paid from the public purse, in other words from you and me! From the tax we pay to the government. What we should be demanding from the government is why we have to endure the decisions of these people, and they are people, with all the weaknesses we have, when they decree what is best for us. They do not look at how these proposals would affect our quality of life. In all honesty I do not know what their remit is and how they come to their decisions. I have serious reservations on why they have these responsibilities when they have no knowledge of the local views ans fears!