Consultation On Wildlife Sites




The District Council has hired some consultants to carry out a review of wildlife sites in the District. This review will form part of the “evidence base” for our future council policies and help the Council to protect and manage the district’s wildlife sites.

The Council is now seeking views and comments on the draft review that has been produced. The consultation document summarises the proposed amendments, additions and deletions to the district’s wildlife sites. The documents can be found here and comments may be submitted through the Council’s online consultation system. Please ensure your comments reach the Council by 17:00 hrs on Wednesday 31st October 2007!

One of the most important things about this document is that is doesn’t include Cherry Orchard Country Park and Rayleigh Mount as being important enough for wildlife to be include in the report! This is the flagship Country Park created by sacrificing the land – and the woodpeckers and the Saxon burial ground – at the Park School Site.

The list of sites included is as follows:

Appendix 1 ? Proposed List of Rochford District Local Wildlife Sites
Code Site / Name Area (ha) / Grid Ref.
R1 Kingley Wood 1.7 TQ794900
R2 Hullbridge Road Meadow 0.55 TQ806937
R3 Blounts Wood 3.3 TQ818928
R4 Hockley Woods Complex 14.9 TQ826918
R5 Grove Woods 16.6 TQ827902
R6 Rawreth Hall Wood 2.1 TQ829905
R7 Brandy Hole Marsh Extension 14 TQ830953
R8 Hockleyhall/Crabtree Woods 14.9 TQ832934
R9 Folly Wood 1.4 TQ832926
R10 New England Wood 4.0 TQ833903
R11 Bett’s Wood 2.9 TQ834928
R12 The Dome Grasslands 5.3 TQ835947
R13 Edwards Hall Park 12.9 TQ837896
R14 Marylands Wood 5.4 TQ838930
R15 Plumberow Wood 5.4 TQ839940
R16 Belchamps Camp, Hockley Woods 1.5 TQ841918
R17 Gustedhall Wood 5.7 TQ841907
R18 The Scrubs 9.6 TQ842903
R19 Primrose Wood 1.3 TQ846904
R20 Cottons 1.0 TQ848902
R21 Beckney Wood 17.3 TQ848940
R22 Potash Wood 13.8 TQ849909
R23 Trinity Wood 3.3 TQ856937
R24 Magnolia Nature Reserve and Fields 29.2 TQ860927
R25 Hyde Wood 2.9 TQ877938
R26 Doggetts Pond 7.0 TQ878915
R27 Sutton Ford Bridge Pasture 2.0 TQ882895
R28 River Roach at Rochford 7.9 TQ883903
R29 Wood Sloppy 2.2 TQ885924
R30 Lion Creek Meadow 3.1 TQ922947
R31 Canewdon Special Roadside Verge ca. 210m TQ923946 to TQ 925945
R32 Barling Pits 10.1 TQ935896
R33 Star Lane Pits 6.9 TQ937873
R34 Paglesham Seawall 8.6 TQ945917
R35 Wakering Landfill Site 24.0 TQ953886
R36 Great Wakering Common 4.5 TQ954878
R37 Wallasea Managed Realignment 90.3 TQ964946

Even if you don’t want to comment, the 47 page description of the sites – with maps and details of the species found at each place – is quite interesting. You can download it here.

About the author, admin

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