We reported a couple of weeks ago on the planning appeal for the “Pond House ” in Downhall Road Rayleigh where the planning inspector didn’t know if our council planning policies were still current.
A similar thing has happened with an application for a house extension with a balcony at Village Green , Canewdon. In this case the inspector (the same one as in Rayleigh) has upheld the councils refusal on the grounds that the balcony would cause overlooking.
However she wrote:
The Council has referred, among other things, to policy HP6 of the Rochford District Replacement Local Plan (LP), adopted in 2006. However, as I have not been provided with information to indicate whether this policy has been saved, I propose to deal with the appeal on the basis of Planning Policy Statement 1 Delivering Sustainable Development (PPS1), particularly as LP policy HP6 is consistent with the thrust of national advice.
The proposal would have a materially harmful effect on the living conditions of the occupiers of No 29, in relation to privacy. It would, therefore conflict with PPS1 which states that good design should contribute positively to making places better for people. Design which is inappropriate in its context should not be accepted.
Once again the inspector didn’t know if our council planning policies were still ‘current’!
By the way, that bit of national policy she quoted : “good design should contribute positively to making places better for people.” might be worthwhile remembering for future council meetings. Keen ward councillors (from any party) might find it useful!