Chris has just received written answers for the questions he had submitted for next week’s West Area Committee:
1. What breaches of planning control at the Park School Site since 1st Feb 2007 is Rochford District Council aware of ? Please advise in each case whether the breach still exists.
Q.1. 1. 07/00230/COND_C, received 6th November 2007 – Asda. Breach of legal agreement relating to application 05/01049/REM requiring submission of an employee travel plan and completion of works to junction prior to opening of store. County Highways confirmed that work on the junction had progressed sufficiently and to their satisfaction so that enforcement action would not be justified. A travel Plan is being requested from Asda to enable the discharge of the planning condition.
2. 07/00231/ENG_C, received on the 6th November 2007 – Asda. Use of area at Rawreth Lane/Priory Chase junction for additional parking. A letter has been sent to Asda advising that the use of the site for car parking requires planning permission; advised Asda to apply for consent or cease the use. No response received yet.
3. 07/00259/ADV_C, received 12th December 2007 – Asda. Unauthorised adverts. Retrospective application seeking to retain the 2 unauthorised adverts recently received and pending decision 08/00079/ADV.
4. 08/00001/COND_C, received 2nd January 2008 – Asda. Deliveries taking place outside the hours specified in condition 15 of 0700588/FUL. CCTV is being set up to monitor the time of deliveries at the site. Two letters have been sent to Asda advising of the need to comply with this condition and that deliveries will be monitored and further formal action taken if necessary.
2. Have any meetings, discussions or communications taken place between Rochford DC officers and potential applicants or their agents for any further planning applications at the Park School site?
Q.2. No.
3. What is the latest information that Rochford DC has about the completion of the neighbourhood centre building that was granted planning permission?
Q.3. Efforts are being made to encourage the developer to complete the approved scheme by constructing the frontage building, but no firm date has yet been given for works to commence.
4. Is Rochford DC aware of any covenants on the use of the Park School site?
If so, what are they, and was Rochford DC aware of them during the negotiations with the County Council on the disposal of the site and during the time when Rochford DC was involved in the marketing of the mixed use land (that was bought by ASDA)?
Q.4. The Park School site whilst in the ownership of Essex County Council was subject to a number of covenants which covered the usual type of estate stipulations relating to services, utilities, rights of way, access and light.
The sale of the land was subject to specific covenants providing for the preparation of a Master Plan, development of the site in accordance with the planning agreements and consents to be approved in furtherance of the plan, construction of the spine road, transfer of land to the District Council for leisure facilities, retention of a memorial, demolition of existing buildings in addition to provisions regarding easements drainage access and similar rights required for the development of the site.
The transfer of the land to the District Council by Wimpy Ltd (the purchaser from the County Council) included the usual stipulations and further covenants relating to the use and development of the leisure facilities and playing fields.
The covenants imposed on the sale of the land by the County Council were detailed in the sales particulars and this information was generally available both to the Council and any other interested party.
5. When the new recycling contract starts, will recycling vehicles be able to go along Temple Way?
Q.5. Yes.
6. What is the latest news on the creation of the mini sports pitches at the Park School site?
Q.6. Various ecological and arboricultural surveys have been carried out on the site, with the final surveys due to be carried out in the Spring. This information will complete the planning application, which will then be submitted for consideration. It is intended to commence ground preparation works Spring / Summer of this year, which should still enable the pitches to come into use for the 2009 football season. A great deal of discussion has taken place with a number of local clubs regarding their interest in making use of the pitches once they are in place, in addition to discussing the provision with the local Football Association. A report on proposals for how the pitches are to be used / managed in the future will be brought to the meeting of the West Area committee on 2 April and then to Executive Board 23 April.
Any thoughts?
I found your site on technorati and read a few of your other posts. Keep up the good work. I just added your RSS feed to my Google News Reader. Looking forward to reading more from you.
Eric Hundin