We’re delighted that local residents find our website useful and like to leave comments.
And it’s fine for people to use pseudonyms if they want to. However we’ve noticed that quite a few people are using very similar names – and that makes it harder to keep track of who’s saying what.
So if you want to use slightly more distinctive names , such as , say , “Ferndale Fox” , ” Hullbridge Hawk” or “Rawreth Brunette”, please feel free…
Thank you for raising this. I hae always used this name and see that many people are not only using similar names but EXACTLY the same. I see you have started to give people a “pattern” good idea but extra work for you i guess. Come on people just choose a different name.
Actually I was making a few changes to the site tonight and in the wordpress software we use I found a button that generates the pattern automatically, based on your email address, I think…
How about everyone being transparent and using their real name when making a comment?
Jackie, I think that is a very good idea. If we make a comment should we not have the courage to state what we believe under our own name. Hiding behind a nickname does not have the same conviction, does it? Well done to all who use their real name!
I think that whatever name we post under (the name I use is my own) that we should always remember that we are guests on the Focus site and that we should ensure that we are as polite to the focus team and other users as we would be if we were with them in person. I have found that the standard of commentator on this site is good in this respect.
I have seen it on other sites that once people use a user name rather than their own they can fall into the temptation to fall short of the standards of behaviour than one would expect of people engaging in mature adult debate. Worse still are trolls people that deliberately use a made up name to make unpleasent comments and insult both their hosts and others users. This behaviour is obnoxious, while maintaining free speech a good webmaster has to weed these people out otherwise risk putting off genuine people. I congratulate both the focus team and its regular commentators in keeping this site free of this kind of behaviour and making this site one which people want to keep returning to to enjoy debate on local matters.
I agree wholeheartedly with you all, what have the psuedonymers (!!) got to hide?
I am an international man of mystery, I use a code name to protect the innocent.