A planning application for a care home and 65 houses has been submitted to Rochford District Council, to be located on the Eastwood Rd. Access to the site would be via an entrance created by the demolition of 270 Eastwood Rd.
The proposed development comprises three distinct elements, as follows:
Care Home – a seventy bed care home located at the entrance into the development area. This has been designed to meet the needs of a specific operator – Carebase.

Lifetime Bungalows – immediately to the east of the care home will be up to thirty lifetime/later living bungalows. These are bungalows designed to facilitate independent living for the elderly or mobility impaired. They will provide flexible threshold free accommodation which is wheelchair/mobility aid friendly. Each property will have its own small rear amenity space. As such, the bungalows are an essential element of any future Adult Social Care strategy by enabling people to remain at home for longer with any care required being provided in a cost effective and efficient manner.
Affordable Housing – the southern part of the site will provide up to thirty-five affordable houses. These will be a mix of houses to provide for a variety of needs – predominantly family houses in a mix of tenures.