The District Council meeting next Tuesday night could be very interesting. Apart from the prayers at the start of the proceedings , the main item is likely to be a debate on car parking charges.
The report says:
This report examines the current arrangements and proposes a small increase in charges for 2008/8
However the proposed changes are quite substantial. Car parking charges in Websters Way and the Mill Hall car parks will increase as follows:
Up to 1 hour – change from 50p to 60p
Up to 2 hours – change from ?1.00 to ?1.20
Up to 3 hours – change from ?1.50 to ?1.80
Up to 4 hours – change from ?2.00 to ?2.40
Charges at the Approach car park by Rayleigh Station increase from ?3.50 per day to ?4.00.
There are similar increases for other car parks.
Traders are concerned that these increases would damage trade in our town centres. It could be a very interesting night if the Conservative leadership try to force this through.
Or perhaps they will delay the decision and carry out some of kind of consultation exercise….