Cans and Bottles Seized From Underage Boozers In Hawkwell




Police seize from kids around the Clements Hall area.

Full report in the Echo here.
Essex Police Report here

About the author, admin

  • As reported on my web site I had a meeting with Andy Prophet and Steve Joynes on 26 June and made representations on behalf of residents. Clearly Essex Police have listened and have taken action as promised. But the young people were warned about the alcohol beforehand and have no excuse, hence the action taken. There will be direct contact with parents if this continues and the District Council will be directly involved if there is a need for a behaviour contract or order. Essex Police are in touch with the schools as well. It seems that whilst the alcohol problem relates to the older ones it appears that Year 7 onwards come along to see what the older ones get up to, so they can follow tradition !! Somehow the schools need to help Essex Police break this cycle. Notwithstanding the eye catching bad news headline above, this is actually good news because the problem has been recognised and action is being taken.

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