The new drastically-reduced-in-size Development Committee meets tomorrow evening at 7:30 . You can find the details here.
The main application is in Bullwood Hall Lane, Hockley. It is an outline application for the demolition of the prison complex building, conversion of Bullwood Hall to residential use and residential development , to provide up to 60 dwellings. 35% are to be affordable housing.
There is a long officers report with plenty of objections from local residents. The scheme is recommended for approval – one of the conditions is that there is 35% affordable housing.
This site is ideal for Mark Francois travellers utopia he has planned for the fair glen junction. Hard standing already there, gated community with privacy, away from busy traffic and all the services needed available on site! Perfect!
Admin – once again Cllr Ward has come out publicly in support of this ( Echo article quote ) , how come you always point out that you (and any Councillor ) cannot make up your mind until the debate is heard?.
It’s another DONE DEAL presumably , and don’t fall for the 35% ( where is “affordable” defined …….affordable by who?.
Jim, Cllr Ward isn’t on the committee now , so that doesn’t apply to him now. Though he needs to be careful, if he discusses an application in advance and suddenly finds himself on as a substitute…
So what then is the make up of the Bakers Dozen , he was on the initial listing?,
Good idea to put it on here I think !!!!! Let’s see who is dictating our future.
Admin – I checked the RDC website , Cllr Ward is on the Development Committee ( and I understand voted last Thursday – no doubt fo it ).
Oops Jim, yes I got that one wrong 🙁
Well, In the Echo quote Cllr Ward didn’t specify how he was going to vote.
Steve Turner, you have got more chance of seeing Lord Lucan than Gino the Invisible.
Not part of the local plan + in the heart of greenbelt + large scale developers = uncontested planning permission granted.
Yet for small scale developments the greenbelt and local plans are used as reasons why planning will not be permitted. Disgraceful hypocrisy, presumably fuelled by greasy palms being lined with silver away from prying eyes.