We have just received a copy of the planning application from Bellwinch for the part of the Read’s Nursery site that they have bought from Countryside.
Bellwinch are applying for permission to build 81 homes, mainly small houses and flats. This is 19 more than Countryside were planning to build on that part of the site – so if these plans go through , the total number of new homes on the site would be 137 instead of 119. This obviously has implications for traffic and for school places.
As councillors on the planning committee we are legally obliged to “keep an open mind” about any planning application until it comes to the committee. So we will not be able to tell you in advance whether we will be supporting ot opposing this new scheme.
But can be sure that we will be studying this proposal in great detail , and if you have any questions or comments please feel free to contact us. You can of course write directly to the council to object or support the application.
The scheme won’t come to the planning committee for at least 2 months.