The planning application for the Asda supermarket at the old Park School site will definitely be discussed at the planning meeting on November 24th. The planning officers are recommending approval (although councillors do not have to follow that recommendation).
I object to the ASDA planning application for the very simple reasons that I will now list.
1. We have a very adequate Chemist in Hambro Parade.
2. We do not need an extra 400 cars an hour coming up Rawreth lane.
3. It would destroy Rayleigh high Street, already suffering after the Websters Way farce.
4. Once we have this number of cars coming up and down the road, the Council would then request part of Pinkerton’s land be commissioned so making a wider road, this would then lead to even more building.
A mini roundabout would become a major roundabout.
5. The area cannot take any further building and no amount of bribery by ASDA will alleviate the problems that will arise.
These are just some of my objections.