Two associated applications have been submitted for development in Rawreth
- Development of a 49.99 MW Battery Storage Facility with associated infrastructure and landscaping
- Development of a 49.99 MW Gas Fired Electricity Generating Facility with Associated Infrastructure and Landscaping
This is the first time we’ve had to consider this type of application so we will be having to do a bit of research on this.
The full application details are here
First reaction is ” yet more prolonged construction activity” – ( Materials & Labour traffic ) coincident with multiple
sites in the area – both in Wickford and Rayleigh ( for example Grange Villa / North of London Rd / Timber Grove in
particular close proximity ).
When are the local authorities going to think outside the individual application boxes and consider the combined
negative impact on an area already short on local facilities and long on traffic chaos / poor air quality etc;etc;etc.
The much vaunted ‘Local Plan’ is suppose to dictate 5-10-20 year development direction , it is’nt a Plan if it continuously changes size & shape – watch The Politics Show (11:00am) this Sunday , featuring the over-development of the Eastern Region………
There appears to be yet another application for a gas fired power station in Rawreth near to Chichester Hotel on a green field site . Under reference number 17/01110/FUL . The Parish Council understood the previous application would not create too many problems but this one seems to have appeared under the radar as it so similiar with no local consultation ,as with the other project . To have two power stations in a rural Parish is totally unacceptable ,as has been said over many years Rawreth is being sacrificed on the altar of unacceptable development . This has to be stopped .
We will look into this application and revert back to you
The resident living at Whiteheather next to the new application is trying to get details from RDC without a result I have tried and ithe site is unobtainable with a “fatal error” ! The website is not user friendly . There has been no consultation from the applicant to nearby residents or the Parish Council ,contrast this with the first applicant by the A130 who made alterations to the drainage, taking on suggestions from the Flood Action Group. With a proposal as significant as this it is unacceptable that nearby residents were not informed and also they are unable to access information from RDC which is going to effect their lives so much .
This might be the reason that the site is unavailable
I totally agree this development will be huge and not needed. Plans cannot be looked at online as they are unavailable.