Do you fancy ?12,475 a year for working at least 3 1/2 days per month? There’s an advert on the Echo website for a Non Executive Director for the Southend United Hospital NHS Foundation Trust.
“With an annual turnover of ?240m and high levels of engagement with staff, local partners and communities, Southend University Hospital is in a strong position to excel, further reinforcing our position as the provider of choice for local people. The Board of Governors is now looking to appoint a new Non Executive Director who will work with us to further our ambitions in the challenging times ahead and realise our ambition to be an excellent healthcare provider. “
They are looking for , amongst other things, someone with a “Proven track record as a senior leader within a complex, customer service driven organisation. “.
We’d be interested to know our readers views on this. Does the trust really need to offer ?12,475 for just a few days work a month to get a suitable person? Or is that simply the going rate for non-executive directors these days? Is it OK if the chosen candidate has a couple of non-executive directorships already? And are any onlinefocus readers going to apply?
Well, the three members of the councils own Independent Remuneration Committee each get £400 per half day of work they do, so at 7 x £400 x 12 = £28800, making Southend Hospitals non-executive director appear good value for money.
Put me down for that as well then. Or playing for Manchester United.
yes I’m sure it’s the going rate….
however… on the other side of the argument we have just had our counselling service withdrawn from our GP surgery due to lack of NHS funds!!!
why on earth would you want to play for Man U? Man City I could understand…
My normal alias is Rayleigh Seagull, this is merely a clue as to my true allegiance. Comon Gus Poyet’s blue and white army. At present City probably pay more though. Point is wages/ salaries are not relative to a persons value to the community.
For that type of money they are not going to get the experience that is required and they are probably not allowed to go higher. As usual in these cases they are looking outside instead of looking inside the NHS for a suitable candidate. The people on the ‘shop floor’ know what is needed. Why go elswhere?