An Easy Way To Find The Information On “North Of London Road”




There is lots of information on the District Council website about the planning application? “North of London Road “.?

To find it all , just click here.


About the author, admin

  • Re your article in R&E Times and Chis Lumleys’ revelation re traffic survey. I also noticed survey sensor across London Road some weeks back. It appeared somewhere around start of school holiday period when traffic is seriously reduced, thankfully for us retirees, but clearly the results could not be properly representative. Proposals from Countryside of “ghost junctions” onto the site do not inspire confidence.

  • As was previously pointed out this ‘outline’ planning application only really covers the
    Principal of housing development and fixes Road access intentions .As we have already lost the battle for no houses on Green Belt it is now essential that every single residents objects on the basis of traffic ( there will be future PA’s for other aspects ).

    The only way for the Countryside development not to affect Rawreth Lane and London Road is for a dedicated East- West access road via a roundabout onto the A1245 ( old A130 ). Any other form of T junction ( be it Ghost Island / Traffic Lights /
    Filter Lane ) means right hand turns accross the oncoming traffic which , at rush hours has only one outcome – more gridlock .

    Let’s not be naive , over time the Westward spread will continue until they reach the A1245 , witness Downhall Park Way estate, Priory Close estate ,Laburnum Close Estate, this Countryside development and so on . We might as well at least have a proper solution to the traffic at the Developers expense ( ECC have no funding and
    so will say plain T junctions are fine – to get them off the hook (again).


  • I notice lots of white line “refreshment” going on in and around Rayleigh at the Mo – is this going to be spun as the ‘highway ugrading’ listed at the RDC display at The Mill back in March!!!!!!!!

  • I am concerned about the junctions as well, along this stretch of the London road we already have too many junctions and another major one will only add to the potentially dangerous layout. Look what the plannners did 50 years ago the other side of London Road, they built a parallel feeder road to limit direct access onto the major A road.

    The new devlopment should feed into the new Kingley Grange access road to limit the number of junctions

    There should also be a brand new access road from the development onto the Carpenters Roundabout. This should be the first thing built so it could be used by the construction traffic so there is no impact on Londond Road or rawerth Lane whilst building takes place

  • Jim, I’ve noticed that. In fact about 9pm a couple of nights ago this big vehicle went past us, very slowly, then a little while later it came back again, and we wondered what was going on. Wasn’t until next morning we realised all the white lines had been repainted.

  • Rayleigh Town Council : Planning Committee Meeting 19:30 6th October The Pavilion King George V Playing Field

    I wrote to my Town Councillors, (all Conservatives) asking what the Town Council was doing about the new developments and why they hadn’t called a public meeting.

    It seems they have no intention of calling a specific meeting but will rely on their planning meeting next Monday evening

    Perhaps Linda Kendall and Wendy Kendall from RAG And the Hullbridge Group should attend this meeting and ask some pertinent questions, and a large turnout would show the Town Council people care

  • As pointed out on earlier post, it is interesting how many Town Councillors are also on the District Council. It is very unlikely that town councillors will vote to oppose something they have supported at the District level. Town Council only has 5 non conservative members. Do look for a lead from here.

  • Some advice please! This item dated Sept 16th appears at the top every time I open Online Focus. Foe a while I thought that noone had added anything since.
    Is it me or the web site?
    Many thanks.

  • Hi Janet, it’s the website, not you.

    We deliberately ‘pinned’ this item to the top of the page – something we’ve not done before – so that it would be easy for people to come on the site and find a link to information on an important item.

    Someone else also mentioned to us that they thought nothing had been added recently, so we will unpin this item this evening and provide a link in the sidebar instead.

    Thanks for your input

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