The District Council have now put the “North of London Road” planning application on a special page here. It describes the application and then give links to various documents. This is the text:
Land North of London Road and South of Rawreth Lane and West of Rawreth Industrial Estate ?
Outline Planning Application
The Council has received a planning application from Countryside Properties (UK) Ltd? for the development of land to the west of Rayleigh. The exact site to which the proposal relates can be viewed online by following the link to the ?Location Plan? under Related Documents below.
The application is outline and consequently the matters to be determined at this stage include the acceptability of the principle of the proposed residential (and other) development including the amount of development proposed and the proposed access points. Detailed aspects of the scheme including the design and layout of the houses are matters which would be dealt with at a later date in a Reserved Matters application, if outline planning permission were to have been granted.
The outline proposal includes;
- Residential development? including a proportion of affordable housing ?
- Associated open space, landscaping and drainage and infrastructure works
- Land for a new primary school
- Land for proposed non-residential? use including any of the following: Use Class A1(Retail), A3(Food and Drink), A4(Drinking Establishments), C2(Residential Institutions), D1a (Health or Medical Centre) or D1b (Cr?che, Day Nursery or Day Centre)
The application form, plans and other documentation submitted by the applicant can be viewed as individual items via the individual links below under the Related Documents heading (near the bottom of the page).
You can also ask to view a hardcopy of the full application including all submitted documents and plans at the Council’s reception in South Street, Rochford. The reception is open 8:30am to 5:30pm Monday to Thursday and 8:30am to 5:00pm on Friday.
Your views on this application and comments can be sent either in writing (quoting reference 14/00627/OUT) or via the Council’s online planning system, a link for the system is near the bottom of the page.
If you would like to submit your comments online please use the link at the bottom of the page to the Council’s planning system. To find the application you will need to enter the following reference 14/00627/OUT into the application search facility.
The scale of the proposed development is such that the application constitutes major development and will go to a Development Committee for determination. Once a date for consideration of the application at a Development Committee has been finalised, details will be published on the website.
Having trouble getting info up.Hopefully Parish Council will get a hard copy.Seems remiss that there is no hard copy at the council suite in Rayleigh as its Rayleigh as well as Rawreth that is affected .Watch this space for any meeting .Until I can see details and digest them any observations I make will be without background ,but some of Jims suggestions could make sense .Flooding and access on the face of it are the biggest issues,also what is “affordable”in the context of local youngster needs as average salaries come nowhere near the minimum needed to get on the housing ladder,only those who move from London with their inflated housing values.will be able to afford Countrysides inflated prices .