We’ve found another blog written by someone in Rayleigh called Grubblog. It’s worth looking at if you like cooking.
The concept is very simple – whenever the author tries preparing a dish, he or she posts a photo of the result and explains how to do it.
For example, here’s a photo of “Chicken with Chickpeas”
Hey there, thanks for noticing my site! I love hearing from like-minded foodies from Essex and further afield, so if you wish to comment on any of my posts please come along and join in. If it’s about local produce – all the better!
See you there
Gary, you are welcome.
And feel free to leave any comments you like here (particularly on local food/restaurant/retail issues!)
This past weekend I really enjoyed myself at the Essex Food Fair at Braintree. Are there any plans for a food festival or similar in Rochford / Rayleigh? The chance to mingle with other fanatics and celebrate local producers and build contacts makes for a great community.