There’s a planning application in to convert the office building/house opposite Rayleigh Station into a takeaway.
Council Officers are recommending refusal, on the following grounds:
1 The proposed use of the site as a Class A5 takeaway is likely to lead to
short term parking taking place on or around the junction of Castle
Drive with Station Road, thereby causing obstruction and danger to
other drivers to the detriment of highway safety. Furthermore, drivers
may well park on the footway, thereby obstructing pedestrian
movements resulting in pedestrian walking on the carriageway to the
detriment of pedestrian and general highway safety.
2 The proposed use given the site’s close proximity to residential
properties, is likely to result in evening and late night noise, disturbance
as well as emission of food smells, detrimental to the amenities of the
adjoining residential dwellings.
You can read the officers report here (105 kb)
Unless a councillor calls it in to the Development Committee by 1 pm on Wednesday, it will be refused.