Last Wednesday was a serious night at Rawreth Parish Council. At the very beginning of the evening Alistir Matthews was re-elected as Chairman and Lyn Hopkins re-elected as vice-chairman. Alistir later gave his annual address to the meeting in what he called ‘a rant’ – it certainly wasn’t a rant, but he expressed the parish council’s frustration over such issues as the proposed housing and the problems caused by the over-use of the football pitches at Old London Road. Hopefully his whole speech will soon go onto the Parish Council website, as it was thoughtfully written.
The Parish Council are continuing their efforts to oppose the 850 houses between Rawreth Lane and London Road,,,,
The Parish Council had also found out that the District Council, for some reason, had a huge surplus of whips (smalll trees) and had taken 200 of them.
There were over 20 people at the meeting, some members of the public, all the parish councillors , the two district councilllors (Chris Black and Ron Oatham) and the county councillor (Stephen Castle), plus two community support officers.
If there was a ‘parish councillor’ of the week award it should go to Rita Coombs, who came along just 5 hours after leaving surgery following a carpal tunnel operation. She was clearly in discomfort but was determined to be there. Because she had to keep her hand upright it looked like she was indicating to speak on every item!
And finally, on a lighter note, the chocolate cake and cheese scones were heavenly.