If you are close to retirement age, thinking of moving to more suitable housing, but still want to live in Rochford, it seems that there is a developer with you in mind.
Cherry Orchard Homes and Villages PLC (a company we’ve not heard of before) are thinking about applying to build a retirement village at the old brickworks site at Cherry Orchard Way.
There’s no planning application so far. It’s still early days, and there’s no sign yet of what council officers will make of the idea, let alone councillors.
But this proposal is clearly something to look out for over the next year or two.
UPDATE ON JULY 10TH: It seems the retirement village would have about 250 “bedspaces” . This would be made up from a mixture of bungalows, apartments and a “Manor House” containing sheltered housing. There would be facilities such as a library, restaurant , a doctors surgery and shops.
So would a Doctor locate to the back of beyond for just 250 residents? The same with shopkeepers? Unless of course all the land in this locality is going to be covered eventually in housing?
Those are fair questions….
Ever since the new road was built developers have been looking with much eagerness at the land either side for housing – soon the urban sprawl of Southend will reach through the countryside and merge with – what was semi rural villages. Of course Prescott will be very eager to rubber stamp the developments!
You seem like the kind of guy who should be coming along to the Planning Policy and Transportation Committee and sitting in the public gallery keeping an eye on what’s going on….