The Development Control Committee will deal with 6 planning applications next Thursday 25th. That’s not a big number – but as some of them are quite controversial, it could be an interesting night. There are more than 100 pages of reports for councillors to read.
Item 1 is an application from the Genesis Housing Group for 30 flats at St Marks Field, Rochford. The officers are recommending approval, and Rochford Parish Council are not objecting.
Item 2 is an application from Rayleigh Town Council to erect a new steel fence around the park. They want it to help prevent vandalism of the new pavilion. However the officers are recommending refusal , describing it as an unattractive and brutal form of development.
Item 3 is for 24 flats up Crown Hill Rayleigh (next to Philpot House). A previous application was refused by the council. The developers then went to appeal, and lost. However the planning inspector wasn’t against the principle or the number of flats there, he was simply against the proposed road access. So now the applicants believe they have sorted out the access problems and have come back….
Item 4 is at Willow Pond Farm , Lower Road , in the Green Belt in Hullbridge. It’s an application to remove existing mobile homes and replace them with a bungalow. Officers are recommending refusal.
Item 5 is the ‘big one’ – an application from Asda at the former Park School Site for a retail foodstore and a separate three storey building for shops and community uses. This is Asda’s second application – their first was rejected last November.
The officers are recommending approval. County Highways are not objecting. There are objections from Rawreth Parish Council, Hockley Chamber of Trade and Commerce, Hambro Colts Youth Football Club, Rayleigh Town Council, Rayleigh and District Chamber of Trade, Essex Bridleways Association, and Mark Francois MP. There have been also numerous letters of objections from residents, and just one letter of support from residents.
Item 6 is for 18 flats and maisonettes in Victoria Avenue, Rayleigh. Officers are recommending refusal, and it was likely to be refused without coming to councillors for a debate. However Councillor Keith Gordon, Vice-Chairman of the Commitee , has referred it to the meeting .
So there’s plenty of intriguing applications, and if you are interested in your local area, come along and watch.! The meeting starts at 7.30, at the Civic Suite next to the market car park.
Dear Chris
Please make the residents views known at the meeting on 25th.
My views are not aimed at you Chris, but at MY COUNCIL, please express them for me, as I cannot be at the meeting on 25th
Everyone I know on the Downhall Park Estate is against anymore development here, the last thing we need to add to the mass of crammed in housing now, is a supermarket!
As has been said, we all live pretty close to shops and supermarkets as it is, we don’t need or want all the extra traffic and chaos in Rawreth Lane, that will come with a big store.
I’ve been in Truro Crescent for 14 years, the longest serving resident here, bit by bit I have seen my local council agree to every single planning application to further develop and overcrowd my area.
The number of houses built here now for the ground area involved is ridiculous. I’ve even joked that they would probably build on top of the existing houses if they could! Why do the big money companies always get their own way? Applications get rejected and then they just appeal and eventually get what they want.
I travel out of Rayleigh each evening at 6pm, it used to take me 5 mins, 10 years ago, now I’m lucky to be out of town and on the A127 after 25 mins, due to the traffic. I have seen this traffic increase every year and with every new block of houses along Rawreth Lane. Asda can do as much research as they like, but I’m in the traffic every night, not ticking off cars sat on the side of the road with a clipboard, so I know the implications of yet MORE traffic.
Enough is enough, why cant we leave this area alone now? We seem to have been building and building, surely it has to halt somewhere?
How about planning useful facilities like a new doctors surgery that we were all promised months and months ago(and still don’t have)
We don’t want a supermarket here…………….end of
John Leech
John Leech
TIME FM London
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