A New Webpage For The Countryside Application

The District Council now have a special webpage for the Countryside application, making it a bit easier to access the relevant info . You can find it here.

About the author, admin

  • Interesting item on the BBC webpages – apparently planning permissions on Green Belt have increase fie fold over the last five years ie:-
    this Government / Cabinet driven Councils – FACT , please do not try and kid me the housing quota’s are not government driven, and why
    Government Planning Inspectors are pushing through Developer Appeals . Democracy – don’t make me laugh.

  • My objection has gone in online supported by a 36 page synopsis sent as a supplement in the post – does’nt have to be that complex so
    I hope the lack of activity on this website means all those who care are busy submitting their own objections ????????……cheers – JIM.

  • {"email":"Email address invalid","url":"Website address invalid","required":"Required field missing"}