One of the items on the latest ‘weekly list’ of planning applications is in Canewdon. You can download the details here (it starts on page 9)
The application is to change the use of some land to ‘recreational’ to be used in conjunction with a child-minding business which is operated from another location, the children would walk there by a ‘walking bus’ arrangement. According to the report, this piece of land doesn’t directly share a boundary with any residential properties, the rear gardens of the closest dwelling being some 25-30 m away. There would be a number of structures here, including a composting “Rota-Loo”, a horse shelter and a chicken coop.
However, some residents have complained about potential noise, which has incidentally prompted the officers to refer to this year’s football pitch playing days application in Rawreth as a comparison. However other residents are supportive, so the report contains a range of views from the nearby residents, from:
I do not understand why this should be allowed to happen as this was a
quiet part of the village. They have no consideration for the people who
live here
It’s a great place for kids to learn about the great outdoors, respect
wildlife and play nicely together in a secure area away from busy roads
and unruly teenagers that seem to hang around most parks
Officers are recommending approval, unless any councillor calls it in it will be passed on Wednesday.
I think this is Cllr Cutmore’s Ward area – so don’t think this will get through ????
I can’t see why the officers referred to the football pitches in rawreth, the reference of restricted hours on (8) of the pitches was all day Sunday and 8 Saturday per season.Now the applicant has been granted Saturday and Sunday’s and (2) evening per weekdays,with disregard for any residents wellbeing and in contravention of RDC policy LT21.And with a further(8) pitches due soon we will be surrounded by football every weekend and probably (4) weekday evenings a week. Approved condition can be change at anytime and will be approved. So what starts as a small application can turn into an absolute nightmare for all the residents involved.