Mid Essex STP Consultation




NHS services are being ‘reshaped’ by Mid Essex STP and they’ve been running a public consultation on the plans. In a nutshell, they want to do away with the more general model of hospital and create specialist centres. One aspect of this would mean transporting seriously ill patients between hospitals. Questions have repeatedly been asked of the STP on how exactly this would be achieved and resourced, but we are none the wiser to this day.

Rayleigh Lib Dem group has made a formal submission to the consultation raising our concerns about transportation and other issues.

If you did miss the consultation here’s more details on the STP’s proposals.

About the author, Editor

  • ive read some of the recent negative comments, can’t help but think they should look on the Conservatives blog…. oh wait a minute, they don’t keep residents informed like the Lib Dem’s. Good work,team keep it up

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