REFUSED 23-10 …. Victory For Now

nolr plan


The application “North of London Road” was refused tonight by 23 votes to 10.

Chris Black and Ron Oatham moved refusal on the grounds of:

  • inadequate? flood risk assessment
  • highways (particularly lack of guarantees on improving the Hullbridge Road / Rawreth Lane junction
  • objection from Sport England regarding Sports Pitches
  • issues around secondary school places

The Echo had a live blog:


And with that, I shall end the blog.

For the full fallout of tonight’s decision, make sure to pick up a copy of the Echo on Monday.


The public, in their vast numbers, leave the council chamber with a spring in their step.

The application will no doubt be back in front on councillors with amendments, but for now the people of Rayleigh will be breathing a sigh of relief.


Linda Kendall, who has lost around ?45,000 fighting this application, takes a bow as the public leave the chamber.


They’ve done it – the proposal is refused!

Twenty-three members voted with Mr Black, ten against.

Rapturous applause from the public.


Linda Kendall calls out from the gallery and sparks?further angry jeers?from the public.

Mr Capon brings about calm but if the public interrupt again I’m not sure he will be so understanding.


Committee chairman Phil Capon calls time for a vote.


Mr Scrutton again: “The flood risk assessment does not need to assess the Church Road flooding issue.”

Cue despairing laughter from the public.


Shaun Scrutton, head of planning for the council.

He said: “The fact of the matter is that the flood risk assessment meets necessary criteria and members would have trouble to pass a refusal on that ground.”


Sean Scrutton, head of planning for the council.

He said: “The fact of the matter is that the flood risk assessment meets necessary criteria and members would have trouble to pass a refusal on that ground.”


Mr Black sums up.

He said: “If we refuse this tonight and get a better flood risk, better road, more sports pitches then it might come back to the committee again.

“This application here tonight is not acceptable.

“The flood risk assessment does not recognise areas that houses have flooded, how can that be appropriate?

“I object due to a lack of highways planning, the Sport England objection and an inadequate flood risk assessment.”


We’re just going through a few questions from councillors now to clarify aspects.

The public have been very respectful so far and the meeting has gone without interruption.


Jo McPherson, Conservative: “This provision would provide 140 affordable homes, we have a need for 600 from the Rochford District?at the minute – that should be known.”


Mr Burton again: “The people fo Rayleigh are intelligent.

“They are not against building, we have already tolerated building.

“If there is a site where building is the only option then I’m sure people would welcome it.”


Neil Hookway, UKIP councillor for Foulness and Great Wakering objects.

Keith Hudson, Conservative and former councillor for planning.

He said: “There are problems and they need to be addressed before development commences.

“One thing no-one has mentioned is that Rawreth Brook is tidelocked so in the event of a deluge, where does that water go?

“That is not for the developer to fund, but it is for the authorities to resolve.

“Partially within their remit is the roundabout in question – that needs to be forward funded.

“The developer has put forward around 25% of the cost.

“The junction is already ridiculous.

“Why would we wait for up to ten years for this roundabout to be sorted when it has already got worse in recent years.

“It needs to be forward funded, build the roundabout, and only then build the houses.”


Heather Glynn (Con), states her support for the plan.

She said: “We have not seen a plan come to us for a long time with so much green open space.”


Keith Gordon, Conservative councillor for Rochford.

He said: “I am amazed at some of the comments being made by some of the councillors here tonight who voted for an application in Rochford that makes this one pale into insignificance.

“I cannot go with what Mr Black states.”



Michael Hoy (Green): “It is not acceptable to rely on funding from a development in Hullbridge, that has not been before the council yet, to fund the roundabout at Hullbridge Road and Rawreth Lane.

“There is not room to expand at Sweyne Parkand I am worried a provision for education would go into the general pot, and not be spent on our area.”

Jamie Burton, UKIP: “This is a vast amount of land that was once arable green belt and this should not be lost forever.

“I see very little benefit that the plan will bring to Rayleigh.

“It should not be the case that education, traffic and flooding only get funding when a development is planned.

“The west of Rayleigh is not a dumping ground for new homes, traveller sites, golf courses or any other application the council cares to throw at us.

“Those that have officially objected is a significant and powerful group to ignore.”

John Hayter, UKIP leader on the council, also objects.



Toby Mountain, former Tory but now a member of Rochford District Residents, takes his turn.

He said: “?250,000 for a roundabout is quite laughable really.

“Also, what will happen to the allocated space for the school if Essex County Council do not need it – will it be turned into housing?

“The application should be refused.”


Chairman of the full council, June Lumley, another Lib Dem, speaks now.

“There will be no places in Rayleigh for the children to attend secondary schools unless either Sweyne Park of FitzWimarc are able to expand.

“Two other proposals will be coming before the council in the future which will also provide children for these schools, they cannot cope.”


Ron Oatham, fellow Lib Dem for Downhall and Rawreth, seconds Mr Black’s movement to object.


The reasons for objection from Mr Black (Lib Dem)

Objection from Sport England

Inadequate highways provision

Inadequate flood risk assessment


Mr Black continues: “The developers modelled flood area does not pick up the Church Road area in Rawreth and these people do and have flooded.

“They are real people that have not been considered.

“The flood risk assessment is unsatisfactory, so we can refuse the plan on flooding.

“Councillor Hudson mentioned to be today that the Rawreth Lane, Hullbridge Road, junction is the second worst junction in the district.

“There is no money for it and county highways will take forever to do anything.

“This should be refused tonight.”


That’s it for public speakers.

Councillor Chris Black, ward councillor for Downhall and Rawreth, goes first for members.

He said: “I was against this land being for housing and is no longer green belt so we cannot refuse it on those grounds.

“I will be moving refusal.

“There are eight different aspects to the plan.

“We are offered a possible site for a possible health centre, which may happen or it may not.

“There are concerns for school places from secondary level.

“I am genuinely fearful of all the screw ups that will happen if this is passed and the open spaces is run by a management company.

“Sport England also thinnk the sports pitch area should be bigger – the pitches are the smallest they can be.

“Sport England want to see adult pitches there, the Sports and Social Club also want a cricket pitch – not for kick arounds but for proper, organised sport.”



Mr Mitchell continues: “If approval were to be granted, first occupation would be late in 2016.

“This development accords to the council’s plan and is accompanied by the infrastructure required to support it.”


Ian Mitchell now speaks on behalf of the developer.

He said: “The application site is specifically allocated for residential use in the council’s allocations document.

“We are already within the window to which the allocated housing needs to be built [2015-2021].

“Our scheme goes further than the measures recommended by the Environment Agency.

“The transport impact has been fully considered by the county council and they have no objection to the proposals.”

Residents are now holding up signs saying “Silenced. Democracy UK 2015.”


Mark Francois, MP for Rayleigh and Wickford, is up now.

He said: “I wish to oppose this application.

“Having lived in the Rawreth Lane area for 15 years I know the area very well.

“The council have said development is only allowed is the necessary infrastructure is met.

“I believe is has not on two grounds, flood prevention and traffic.

“Flooding is an important and controversial issue.

“This site will create significant run off which will affect the drainage systems beyond the site itself.

“I asked the Environment Agency about Rawreth Brook in 2012.

“It is likely to be many years before work on Rawreth Brook is undertaked.

“The impact of 500 houses and 1,000 cars is obvious.

“The mini-roundabout at Hullbridge Road needs to be upgraded.

“To build a traditional roundabout would require ?1million but the developer has only put forward ?250,000.

“The plan for homes in Hullbridge offers no guarantee of funding for the upgrade of the roundabout either.

“The money for the junction is not guaranteed or funded.

“The infrastructure has not been provided.

“If the council is to be consistent I would urge them to turn it down.”


Mr Matthews gets a round of applause at the end of his five minutes but the chairman warns the public again.

Deborah Mercer, from Rayleigh Town Council, is next to speak.

She said: “Based on the information provided, the council objects as the proposed road access is inadequate and would have a detrimental effect on our residents.

“Of partiuclar concern is the impact the plan would have on the whole of Rayleigh, the surrounding roads and the people that use them.

“Further access roads, of already congested roads, would cause further congestion and have a detrimental effect of the whole town.

“It is widely known that the congestion the town experiences along these roads, prevents residents and visitors coming into the town.

“The economic stability of the town centre is already considered to be fragile.

“The town council believes that many improvements to the existing highways structure is needed before any development is begun.”


Mr Matthews continues: “Roads are not adequate to take current traffic movements, let alone new developments.

“East-West routes are at capacity, we all know this but it is ignored.

“Future gridlock is inevitable.”


The chairman of Rawreth Parish Council,?Alistir Matthews, is now addressing the room.

He said: “We have three main concerns, flooding, access and loss of green belt.

“Rawreth has suffered increasingly from flooding in recent years.

“Smaller scale developments along Rawreth Lane has increased the flow along Rawreth Brook.

“Ditches have been badly maintained despite promises from developers and Anglian Water.

“Our residents below the site have very real concerns about flooding.”


Planning officers suggest the site would be acceptable regarding flood risk.

A sustainable urban drainage system would be put in place, as well as open ditches and storage ponds.

The developer has agreed a contribution of ?200,000 to the district council for flood alleviation work in the Rawreth parish.


An extended bus service would be put in place, with two free bus passes given to each residence to encourage use of public transport and to ease congestion.


Submitted transport assessment showed the development would impact on the roundabout with Hullbridge Road, but only a small impact – cue laughter from the public.


Cycle ways, footpaths and woodland would be provided in the allocated green space.

There are three access points to the site, with one each from London Road and Rawreth Lane, and another into the Rawreth industrial estate.


The pitches would be two mini-football pitches, set out to Sport England guidelines, and would be put over to the district council for control.


The decision to build a school on the site would ultimately be taken by Essex County Council, but the developers, Countryside, would have to pay a proportion of the costs.

Alternatively, a financial contribution to educational provision would be needed if the school is not built.


A planning recommenration has been put forward to limit the homes to 500, with an average density of 35?dwelling per hectare.

A neighbouring estate already has a density of 45 per hectare.


The principle of residential dwellings at the site has already been accepted by the council thanks to their Allocations Document, which was voted through last year.


The site is mainly allocated for residential use (up to 500 homes) but there is non-residential use as well.

A day centre/care home/shops or restaurant could be possible.

There is also land allocated for a new school and sports pitches.


The site,?north of London Road and south of Rawreth Lane, is currently green belt land and is adjacent to the Rayleigh Town Sports and Social Club.


Here we go, the reason we’re all here tonight is being explained by planning officers.


High profile campaigners against the Rayleigh homes on green belt land are out in force tonight.

Linda Kendall, leader of the Rayleigh Action Group, and Brian Carleton, chairman of the Hullbridge Residents Association, is also here, as is Peter Plummer, chairman of the Rawreth Flood Action Group.


We’re just going through declarations of interests at the minute, I expect this to get a bit lively.

Chairman Phil Capon has already read the rule book to the public, no heckling or jeering or the meeting will be closed to the public.


Good evening and welcome to the Echo’s live blog of the Rochford District Council development committee.

About the author, admin

  • Chris and the other 22 who voted against – thank you , but……….
    Beware the distraction of Hambro Roundabout & Downhall Rd junction – they are quietly getting away with T junctions into Rawreth Lane and London Rd which will
    cause havoc as right turns in or out have to cross one lane and interrupt the other lane – a disaster at Rush hour. Those junctions must be the next point of attack when they resubmit ( focussing on Hambro / Downhall junctions ) – we need ESSEX CC to tell the truth about the viability of Rawreth Lane / London Rd , how do we do that?.

  • Countryside will make small changes and the application will go ahead on appeal come what may. However Jim @2 is spot on, now is the time to try to get the infrastructure improvements agreed as part of the deal.

    As for the 10 councillors who ignored public opinion and voted for….let’s name them publicly so that we can make a choice at the next election.

  • There must be comment on the fact that at least 100 people were not able to enter the meeting. I was outside and certainly could have found a space but opted to stay outside. But where was the video link promised for Comm. room 4? We were told it was not working. If true then given the importance of this meeting why was no one working flat out to make it work. Who was the member of the public who spoke? I didn’t think it should have been Linda Kendall because by being key figure in RAG I felt she could no longer be seen as member of the general public. So who was picked? Conspiracy theorists please respond.

  • I was lucky enough to get inside the ‘chamber’ last night. Thought Chris Black did very well in raising valid objections. I also thought Cllr Jamie Burton spoke very well and managed to sum up the views of most of the people in West Rayleigh, especially when he stated that the area is NOT a dumping ground for any development that the council needs a home for!

    I do think the conservatives that voted against the application did so with some resentment. They didn’t formally object or raise their concerns, they just voted against it. I think they had one eye on the May elections and know that this will probably get pushed through on appeal, yet they will shout from the rooftops (come campaign time) that they objected!!

    Still, I was pleased to see councillors speaking in objection with real passion and I think that the West of Rayleigh should think themselves lucky we have outspoken councillors in Chris Black, Jamie Burton, June Lumley and Toby Mountain. Thanks to the other councillors too though. I drove home in the snow very happy (for now).

  • I knew who did speak as a member of the general public but my point is that neither Mark or Linda, due to their positions are now members of the general public. So how and why was our M.P. considered and selected especially in an election year. Would not have any problem if Mark spoke as our MP.

  • For Mr A. Matthews ( Rawreth Parish ) – can we meet sometime soon , I listened very carefully to Technical Officer’s ( Scrutton ) words in the later stages and have some ideas how we could perhaps wrong foot them at re-submission ( Flooding and Highways ). Please give me a call 07989 079174 at your convenience.

  • Bruce at 10- Understand what you are saying. The problem is that for these meetings a member of the public is literally anyone who isn’t a councillor or council officer. So a local MP , the leader of a local action group and a developer all count as a member of the public. Mark Francois spoke because he put his request in first. The constitution really needs amending to allow one or two extra speakers for really big planning applications, and there may be a chance to do that soon.

    Regarding the 100 who couldn’t get in – I wasn’t aware of that , before the meeting I went upstairs to see officers getting room 4 ready, I don’t know what went wrong, this is poor.
    James at 9 – yes Jamie Burton spoke well, he’s settled into the council chamber very quickly and looked very comfortable speaking in such a tense meeting. I was very glad of the contributions from everyone who spoke from the opposition seats and for the co-operative cross-party attitude last night.

  • Chris @ 12 – yes you’re right Chris, it was nice and refreshing to see that councillors across parties worked together for one cause. Party politics – certainly as far as the opposition was concerned, went out of the window. I live in Grange Ward so have a Lib Dem and a UKIP councillor which I am very happy with. I’d rather them than conservatives any day! Just demonstrates to me that the people in the West of Rayleigh have clearly seen through the ‘Conservative Cloud’, way ahead of the rest of the District!!

  • [edited]
    Chris Black – you did very well last night considering scrutton’s attempts at unnerving you by asking no less than 4 times for you to list your objectings…. Have to say overall though brilliant turn out by Rayleigh residents, and very impressed with Jamie Burton.

  • Chris. Please have a look at the Echo blog above and read 7.39pm where RDC give notice of the site. Then refer to Mr Shaun Scrutton’s reply to Richard Lambourne today which I will forward. Could this be a significant error? What are the rules about misinforming the Councillor’s voting for a development? What are the rules for submission, consultation and reporting of an application if the land is incorrectly described or identified? Would it all be void?

  • And can you believe it – latest issue of Rayleigh Review quotes Cllr Hudson ( former head of planning and creator of this scheme) says the Flooding and Inadequate roads are not the Developers remit . Well if it is’nt Countryside then it must be RDC as the
    prime mover of whole idea – why did he choose a site that is’nt fit for purpose ?, no wonder he resigned the portfolio.

  • Rayleigh Review also covering the launch of the SE Essex Alliance ( action groups accross Essex now working together in the common cause ) – 3/4 more action groups
    now joining the founders ( Basildon/ Billericay/Rayleigh/Castle Point/ Benfleet) in Feb.
    Look out for the ECHO end of the month.

  • Jim @ 19

    I introduced myself to South East Essex Action Group Alliance a few weeks ago and I have also been invited. Whilst I cannot be in an “Action Group” I still want to be part of this as much and as far as I can.


  • Your welcome ,see you on 25th – our 3 common foundations are :-

    Housing quotas are double the natural growth .
    Localism Act is smoke & mirrors.
    Councils are overwhelming the Green Belt & Infrastructure.

    the new Dunton Action Group won’t have to learn the ropes they will have data day1.

  • Why was the West of Rayleigh area ever identified as the “preffered” area for development? The local plan is now in pieces surely and leaves the area under threat of uncontrolled development. Rochford planning department should be sacked on the basis of incompetance and wasting residents money. At the time the core strategy was drafted, ALL of the points that the countryside application was refused for were raised. All were ignored, and now we (residents) will be expected to pay the price.
    I also expect that the planning department will dig their heels in, and continue to support the development of West of Rayleigh, as the inevitable development proposal after development proposal are submitted, costing residenets a fortune in legal fees.
    A single huge area of development is a mistake for Rayleigh. This was articulated at the time the core strategy was being drafted, but ignored.
    Job well done.
    Man up, and scrap the local plan for Rayleigh. It will never deliver what is best for Rayleigh.
    Foreseable, unnecessary, wasteful, and disgraceful.

  • Here’s another very good reason to vote for UKIP, taken from their web site re: Policies.

    – Planning Permission for large-scale developments can be overturned by a referendum triggered by the signatures of 5% of the District or Borough electors collected within three months.

    I see that Nigel Farage is in Canvey today to launch his campaign, let’s hope the lefty liberal free speech brigade let him have his say….

  • {"email":"Email address invalid","url":"Website address invalid","required":"Required field missing"}