A Couple Of New Planning Applications In Whitehouse Ward




There’s a couple of new planning applications in Whitehouse Ward Rayleigh , you can find them (and other new applications) by downloading the weekly list of new planning applications here.

The first one , in Castle Road, converts a gym and a beauty salon into flats:

Application number: 13/00629/COU

Change of Use From Gymnasium and Beauty Salon to 4 no. Two
Bedroomed Flats Incorporating New and Altered Fenestration,
Installation of 2 no. Balconies and Enclosure of Part of Existing
Ground Floor Canopy to Form a Lobby

Land Investments
Rayleigh Ltd

The second one, in Eastwood Road, convert houses into an extension for a childrens nursery:

Application number 13/00650/FUL
Proposal:Change of Use of 42-46 Eastwood Road To Day Care Nursery
With Single Storey Infill Extension And First Floor Covered
Walkway Extension Between nos. 40 and no 42.

Rainbow Day Nursery
40 Eastwood Road

About the author, admin

  • Reference your statement ….” sufficient time for interested parties to respond….” – can you please define who qualifies as ‘interested parties’?. Does
    this include the existing residents of West Rayleigh & Rawreth – or only their elected representatives ie:
    Ward Councillors?.

    Thank you – JIM.

  • {"email":"Email address invalid","url":"Website address invalid","required":"Required field missing"}