Concerns about the Skateboard Area




We had an email from a local resident who’s been chatting with some skateboarders about the skateboard area in King George’s Field, and the comments were quite interesting:

hi , chatted with some slightly older skateboarders today and this is the result of what they said:

– 1. it’s better than skateboarding in the high street

2. it should be bigger

3. it should have a roof

4. should have floodlights (obviously a contentious issue for Rayleigh!!)

5 .there should be a fence as their skateboards tend to slide off into the mud however i think that they are pretty pleased to have the facility and certainly seemed appreciative.

It’s unlikely that the Town Council will make their skateboard area any bigger . let alone add floodlights- but maybe some of these ideas could be incorporated into the skateboard area at the Park School Sports Centre..

About the author, admin

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