We now know the housing figures that District Council officers are now proposing for differenet parts of our district. They are on page 24 of the “Regulation 26 Draft Strategy” and they come up for discussion at the meeting on Thursday 22nd. The key paragraph is on page 24:
“The Council will set out a policy allocating the total number of housing units to the top tier (90 perecent) and second tier (10 percent) settlements , to gain a smaller number of large sites which will deliver the greatest number of infrastructure improvements. The split (with approximate numbers) will be as follows:
Completions 2001 -2006: 900
Rochford/Ashingdon : 1000
Hockley/Hawkwell : 400
Rayleigh : 1800
Smaller Settlements 500
TOTAL : 4600
(By “1st Tier ” they mean towns and large villages – Rayleigh, Rochford, Ashingdon, Hockley and Hawkwell. By “2nd Tier” they mean Hullbridge, Canewdon and Great Wakering. “Completions 2001-2006” means houses already built.)
What are our first thoughts? On these figures Rayleigh is getting more housing than Rochford, Ashingdon, Hockley and Hawkwell put together – which seems a very unfair approach. (Although Rayleigh was hit even worse in the 1980s and 1990s). Also Great Wakering has been dealt with more lightly than some of the district councillors there expected.
This plan has to go through a lot more discussion by councillors and consultation with the public. We still think it will be useful to have some people in the public gallery on Thursday….
Absolutely agree Chris, we have already had more new housing in Rawreth in the last 2/3 years than anywhere else in the district and to allocate l8OO more to us is most unfair – this is exactly the opposite to what residents want and asked for.
These extra houses would create even more vehicles using Rawreth Lane – we are already threatened with the extra 700+ vehicles per hour if the Asda site is finally built and we now have the threatened 46 heavy lorries PER DAY for THREE YEARS transporting soil/infill material to the Hanover Golf Course site if that is approved.
How much more do they think we can take?
The number of new houses that is planned for Rayleigh will totally ruin the town. We have our own problems to put in order, such as young yobs and anti-social behaviour, before we think of building another 1800 new homes. If the development at Rawreth is an example, we will have the new houses built before the infrastructure to cope with such a huge amount of houses is in place. Where will we get the extra schools, Doctors, better roads, more trains, extra police, the list goes on. I suspect that the bill for all this will fall on the current residents of Rayleigh.
We can not cope with this huge amount of homes. I will vote for anyone who can get this illogical plane overturned and all of the people I have spoken to feel the same.
If the residents need to take this into their own hands to make the authorities see sense so be it.
Mike, thanks for your comments. I want to answer in detail, so I’ll write a separate post today rather than reply here.