There’s quite a few ‘live’ planning applications in Downhall and Rawreth ward – in fact at least five will be decided this week. We’ve already mentioned the Downhall Under Fives application, but there’s four others:
The first three are on this week’s ‘yellow list’ which goes to district councillors, with a full report and an officers recommendation. You can download the list here. This recommendation comes into effect at 1 pm next Tuesday unless any councillor calls in the item , in which case it goes to the council committee next Thursday. As you can see, two of these are recommended for approval, one for refusal. Here’s some more details:
– An application to build a bungalow behind 22 Hullbridge Road. This was put on the weekly ‘yellow list’ with an officer recommendation for refusal. . The reason:
The proposal by way of the very close proximity of the proposed access drive to the adjoining dwellings no. 22 and 20 Hullbridge Road would give rise to noise, vibration and disturbance detrimental to the amenity that residents to both those dwellings ought reasonably be expected to enjoy. The proposal therefore would fail to provide a satisfactory means of access contrary to Policy HP14 (i) and (iv) to the Rochford District Replacement Local Plan (2006).
An application from Rawreth Parish Council for pathways and landacaping an informal garden at the Bedloes Corner junction of the A1245 and Church Road Rawreth. It’s on the weekly list with a recommendation for approval. The officers report states:
…..Planning permission is now sought to provide pathways and landscaping on the land, together with a war memorial towards the southern boundary of the site, although no details of this are provided at the present time.
The paths will run from the south-east and south west corners towards a circular feature containing the war memorial and then north-westwards to a circular garden.
Earth mounds 1.2 metres high are proposed at the south west corner including either side of an Anglian Water pumping station, to prevent unauthorised vehicular access to the land. A picnic area with tables may be provided near the southern boundary…..
…..The Parish Council?s stated intention is to create a very informal communal garden with newly planted shrubs and trees, but which will also incorporate ecologically valuable existing planting. A low maintenance wild flower meadow is also proposed to give summer colour. The new gravel paths will create easier access to the open space for people with disabilities and wheelchair users.
Extend 138 Downhall Road and convert into 4 flats. This house is on the corner of Preston Gardens. Officers are recommending approval, which, like the others, will come into effect unless any district councillor calls it in. The officers report mentions:
Outline planning permission is sought for a single storey rear extension, two storey front and side extension, new roof with habitable accommodation within and convert to 4 no. self contained one bed-roomed flats with car parking to the rear…..
……Highways have raised no objection to the application and have indicated that the provision for four car parking spaces is seen to be sufficient for this proposal in this location. The proposal does not change the external appearance of the dwelling significantly, keeping windows roughly in the same position albeit that the shell of the building would be larger under a gabled rather than hipped roof.
The application does propose to locate the entrance to all four flats to the side of the property in Preston Gardens. The dwelling appears to be a detached house with an extension and would not noticeably appear to be flats when viewed from the street. The proposal is therefore not seen as being unreasonably out of character with the surrounding area and it is unlikely to disturb the rhythm of the street scene.
From calculations it would appear that the site as an amenity space shortfall by 12.5m?, totalling 87.5m? oppose to the 100m? as specified by Council guidance. It however must be noted that the garden area is of a useable shape. It is not deemed that this slight shortfall in garden area is a reason for refusing this application.
Finally, there was an application on the previous list for two signs at Asda (Asda have already erected the signs without planning permission). Officers were recommending approval, however Chris has ‘called in’ this one to the committee.
As always, district councillors cannot express an opinion on these in advance of the meeting….