An eagle eyed resident has alerted us to communications received from a developer.
Although as yet, we haven’t seen a formal application listed on RDC’s planning portal – we can only surmise that this application will come forward in due course for a possible 26 flats on the current site of the Grange Service Station and car sales plot, opposite the BP/M&S Petrol station.

More details of the development can be found on their website here. Let us know what you think in the comments below.
This is one of the proposals on the ” Call for Sites ” Maps included in the New Local Plan ‘ Issues & Options ‘ document ( 2018 ).
Surprising the ward Councillors nowhere to be seen. May elections and all that…
Unattractive and unimaginative. Looks like it’s made of Lego. Buildings with character please
Do we really need more flats?
I think this development is totally out of keeping with the area, the design is like boxes piled on top of one another, as a previous person has said it’s like Lego!
There is enough development along London Road with the new houses between Raweth Lane & London Road. The land next to the BP Garage was due to have housing but there has been no further development, is this still going ahead?
How do you oppose this?
Follow the link to comment on application please
I totally support more flats in Rayleigh, as it is needed for first time buyers, and people looking to down size, and this in turn would help to free up the larger family sized homes for those who need them, reducing the need for the huge estates currently being built in Rawreth Lane etc.
I do agree that the design could be more pleasing.
We need to ensure that any design incorporates latest technology for fuel efficient living including Electric Vehicle charging points etc.
Lets move into the 21st century.
I agree we need ‘truly’ affodable housing ‘, in particular for starter homes. But we also need the matching Infrastructure and Civic Amenities –
otherwise your ‘ move ‘ into the 21st Century will be in a slow moving Q.
I think this is absolutely ludicrous with all the houses being built on the new estate nearly opposite this site.The design is awful and is not in keeping with the surrounding area.This will have a severe impact on Louis Drive West for parking and turning out of it to London Road.
I don’t have a problem with this site or how it looks but we seriously need to have a look at getting a pedestrian crossing down this end of London Road. I feel like I’m taking my life into my hands every day trying to cross! Walking all the way up to Victoria Avenue is not possible.
As for the development I agree that we would need to look into how the design is environmentally friendly. I see they have cycle provision included but if every flat has at least one car (let’s face it who wants to travel by bicycle around Rayleigh unless you are a confident cyclist – and fit enough to get up Crown Hill) where are all those cars going to go? The local infrastructure sadly doesn’t support this type of development which I believe is badly needed. Our housing is ridiculously expensive in Rayleigh.
Outdated building design, at first sight it looks like an office complex, reception on the right.