16 Dwellings For Fairways Garden Centre




The applicant appealed the refusal of the planning application for the Fairways Garden and the planning inspector has overturned the decision of Rochford District Council.

…the independent assessment concluded that as the development is a high value residential scheme, affordable housing is not considered appropriate

What’s more worrying is that the planning inspector has thrown out the Councils policy of 35% affordable homes on all developments with over 15 units. Instead, the inspector has allowed a financial payment for ‘offsite’ provision.

The appeal is allowed and planning permission is granted for demolition of existing commercial and retail uses and construction of 4no two bedroom dwellings, 8no three bedroom dwellings and 4no four bedroom dwellings at Fairways Garden Centre, Hullbridge Road, Rayleigh SS6 9QS in accordance with application Ref 17/00431/OUT, dated 28 April 2017, subject to the conditions set out within the attached schedule and completed Unilateral Undertaking dated 12 August 2019.

You can read the full planning inspectors decision here

About the author, Editor

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