We’ve had the following email from Brian Guyett, Chairman of the Hockley Residents Association, as a follow up to what was on the HRA website:
I would like to start a debate on what we would like to see, as opposed to what we don’t want.
The suggestion of a large polyclinic covering the whole of the Rochford to Rayleigh District, sited in an inconvenient location with limited public transport, is a major concern. However, the PCT now seems to be playing down this suggestion.
The PCT have been using the new Leigh Primary Care Centre as an example of their plans. This is based on one GP practice, has consolidated existing local services, and extra, new services (midwife and outpatients services) transferred from Southend Hospital, all in one, new building. If the PCT proposed something based on this model for a good location in each major town, I believe the majority of residents would be very pleased.
This area is under the national average for primary care services and we would welcome and support additional investment in an appropriate facility.
We will see what the PCT has to say on Tuesday night but what do you think?